Programs used
Unreal Engine 5
Autodesk Maya
Substance Designer and Substance Painter
3d Coat
Foliage with the exception of water lotus are from Quixel and SpeedTree
The wall was made by conforming modular wall pieces to a spline through a blueprint. To improve performance, this was baked to a single static mesh within Unreal Engine using the Merge Actors command.
Repetition is broken up by grunge decals. Decals in the scene share a single texture sheet and are picked using UV coordinate parameters and material instances.

For certain trees in the far distance, I imported models from SpeedTree and rendered them as flat images in Marmoset Toolbag to use as billboards.
A material instance in Unreal Engine 5 controls the UV offset in order to switch between two variations.

Low poly meshes are optimized for performance and normals driven detail.
Several meshes use multiple UV maps for texture detailing, 1:2 and 1:4 resolution textures where appropriate, and decals for better looking materials.